Conflict Form Fall 2024

    Requested division not guaranteed, WRSA will assign division based on previous season's standings to achieve the best parity.
  • WRSA schedules games on Friday evenings to accommodate the amount of teams in the league and limited referee availability. WRSA WILL HONOR FOUR (4) CONFLICT DAYS. MORE THAN 4 CONFLICTS WILL NOT BE HONORED. Teams are required to work together to reschedule their own games and field location based on the WRSA reschedule policy. PENALTIES WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FORFEITED GAMES.
  • WRSA league games are not scheduled on Stryker Sports Complex tournament weekends: 8/23-25 (Stryker Cup), 9/27-29 (Stryker Wichita Open), 10/11-13 (Wichita Fall Invitational) and 11/1-3 (Stryker Season Finale)
  • CONFLICT TIP: Multiple rostered players are not a valid conflict. Teams are to have 2 or more coaches to minimize conflicts.
  • Conflict Dates

    Please check the dates below you are NOT available to play and provide your reason in the appropriate box.

  • List most important first. Example: No Friday games. Doubleheaders requested.